Welcome to Go! Foodscaping.

What is GO! Foodscaping?

This site is a collection of groups, arranged by geographic locality, intended for those who engage in the practice of growing edible plants to collaborate and share with each other.  You must be registered to use the site.

Do I need to provide my email?

We ask for an email address when you register, but it will not be revealed to others nor used for mailing lists or spam.  It is only for the purpose of verification, and for you to receive notifications from this site.

What notifications will I receive?

You can get notified whenever someone sends you a private message, or whenever anyone posts to a group that you are a member of.  NOTICE: You must enable a Group Subcription in order to receive notification of group posts.  Edit the Group Subscription section on your proflie page, and specify which groups you would like to get notified by, and how often.

What if I would rather get site notifications on my phone?

If you would prefer to have notifications sent to your phone via SMS text messaging, see here.

How can I contact another person privately?

To contact another registered site user, you can send a "Private Message."  However, some users may opt-out of the Private Message feature. In order to send or receive private messages the feature must be enabled in "Edit My Profile."

How do I join groups?

You can "Browse" any of the open groups without joining, and joining any of these group is as easy as a simple tap or click.  Once you join a group you can post and comment within that group.  You can leave a group as easily as you can join one. Remember that if you want to be notified of group activity, you must enable that group in the Group Subscription section of your profile. 

What if there is not a group for my area?

If there is no appropriate group available for where you are located, join the Global "Support" group, and make a post there in order to request that a new group for your own locality be created.

How do I return to access the group(s) I have joined?

Select from the list of all the groups of which you are a member, at "My Groups."

What are Private Subgroups?

When you are a member of a group, you can then create a private Subgroup which is not publicly listed, and visible only to its own members.  When you create a private Subgroup, you are automatically designated as the Creator and Moderator of that group.  It is then your responsibility to notify others about your group, invite them to join, and otherwise manage the group.